Some were offended that such a question could be asked after the election of America's first Black President.
Call me odd, but I expect as much from a Black man as I do from a white man.
Some asked, "What progress was made by Obama's election?".
Well..., Obama has more people of color in positions of (relative) power than previous Presidents.
And if Blacks are considered to be the lowest men on the social/cultural totem pole those who think themselves better are sure to benefit.
Most people need a visible example of success in order for them to pursue success for them selves.
The "progress" made by Obama's election will not rest solely on his shoulders, but on the shoulders of those inspired to do better for themselves by his example.
Obama inherited a social structure on the verge of collapse.
The economy was on life support and people had lost faith in the government.
But what Obama really inherited was an opportunity.
Obama was given the chance to really shake things up.
But Obama turned out to be a member of the system - just painted a different color.
Obama could have created a whole new network of hospitals out of the existing VA, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Medicare programs that could compete with established health care companies.
Obama's new network could have negotiated cheaper prices for medications, lower wages for it's administrators, and gotten rid of greedy insurance companies.
As it stands - the current solution proposed by Congress for health care reform only ensures that Big Phama/Big Insurance keeps getting their big pieces of the pie.
Obama could have spent the stimulus/TARP money to shore up local economies through local credit unions using existing financial infrastructure.
If this was done, more people would have had more control over their own wealth.
Which is better - that a country have two multi-billionaires and many peasants?
Or for a country to have it's wealth spread to those who do the work?
Obama didn't save the economy - Obama postponed the collapse of a failing economic model.
Obama only ensured that those in power remained in power.
Obama could have immediately pulled out of the Middle-East.
What face would have been lost by such an action?
Obama could have just pointed out that this War on Terrorism is just a war for another country's resources.
Obama could have negotiated a fair agreement to ensure our over consumption of these resources.
I wonder if those in other countries are still celebrating as though Obama's election would usher in a new era of freedom for the oppressed?
KY Jelly.
That's all that's changed.
Obama is just more smooth and considerate when he's screwing us.
Obama just uses some form of lubrication before the rape.
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