ok i am now LOVING my amount of followers, i have increased to TWENTY, yes i did say twenty, pretty measley to some of u big bloggers but for me i am ce tres happy......ok i gotta admit i was pretty bored of having 14 followers for ages but recently in the past 2 months i have increased to 20 YAY and may i sa y this is my 65th blog post :), wait it might be my 64th oh welll....
i love u all :), please comment follow and subscribe, comment telling me ur blog and i am SURE to check urs out, comment and if i love (probably will since u have such brill taste chosing my blog to follow!) ur blog i will follow, im a softy for followers.....
ok my new section of the blog:
toddays segment : Vaseline

Vaseline, famous lip conditioner, amazingly cheap, amazingly moisturing, amazing effects. my sister, with super dry skin, uses this every night. I have combination-oily but recently after using my amazing Lush fresh face mask in Love Lettuce it completely dried out my skin, i guess i was using it too often, used around 2 a week for a few weeks and still have a bit left. dried out my skin to the point of flakieness. my skin was so dry i couldnt use my usual face products cause it emphasized the flakes :((....i asked to borror my sisters tub of the jelly and spread it on my face focusing above my brows, forhead, jaw bone, around nose and mouth. ok to start of i was watching O.C disk one, season 4...i miss Marissa, and in bed with the jelly on my face and it doesnt sink in but it does slightly dry and doesnt leave a pillow residue....i wont use this EVER DAY probs only 2- a week but i liked it...
do u have any uses for vaseline? i use the lip ones and now the face ones
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