Neither would hate on the other or assume that his game was the only way sports should be played.
When asked about Martin - "That's a baad brotha'", Malcolm should have said.
There was no need for there to have been an imagined rivalry.
One's method was just as good as the other's - the major factors being 'time' and 'place'.
Should one load up on and hold stocks and bonds for a long slow gain?
Should one hoard gold or other hard assets to affect more stability?
Should one hoard gold or other hard assets to affect more stability?
Should one bet on futures hoping for more liquidity?
Should one 'diversify' by placing assets in a worthless 401k? (Companies just buy each others stocks to the point of no one really even knowing what the original instrument was.)
Like the stock market - each move up (or down) in society is determined by what one hopes to gain, with what one is working, and at what one is most knowledgeable or skilled.
Malcolm could have never been Martin, and Martin could have never been Malcolm.
Each was set to their own personal task, in their own setting, each with his own scope of talents.
Each was set to their own personal task, in their own setting, each with his own scope of talents.
If each tried to be the other, nothing would have been accomplished.
Why is progress within the Black community often hindered?
Because each person seems more interested in having their personal points of view being primary than in having the group as a whole move forward.
How can this condition be remedied?
By both parties coming to the conclusion that (depending on 'time' and 'place') they are both right.
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