Oh my. How can I?
I just can't believe that I have nearly forgotten this big day of my spicy little baby. Please forgive mama. I am too busy with my daily routine (Ok. This is just an excuse. I know my baby wouldn't believe in me because I am not. Oops!)
Today, 28 February 2009 is my blog's birthday. Could you just believe it? I have finally picked a birthday date for my little eggie since I had missed the first chance. At first, I was kinda confuse whether her birthday is in June or February. After all the hassles, I have finally come up with this idea: pick the first date which I have started blogging (first post).
So, here it is:
28 February will be her birthday starting by now.
Curryegg Mama just can't believe her baby has finally turned into 2 year old. It is such an honour to have my little eggie since 2007. We grow up together, learn from each other and having fun together. Isn't it wonderful?
I am glad to give birth to you on 28 February 2007 (though I thought this was a mistaken to have you early because I want a 1 March baby so much. Why? Because a 1 March baby is always gorgeous and smart). Nevermind, I still love you my little Pieces..
So, what should I do for you, baby?
What do you want for this year?
Emmm...... Let me think. I shall make something special for you.
Before that:
Happy Birthday babe!
I will always love you. Muacks.
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