Curryegg is right now, having war with herself. This is what the self-talk means:
*self talk*
I really need to study right now!
I've been treating my 2 days break as my long term holiday. Gosh! It can't happen!
Eeeerrrrr... what happen to you curryegg? Why can't you just concentrate? I know, studying in front of the computer is hard. You get distracted easily by the games in Facebook.. *I need to achieve higher $$$ in parking war in order to compete with Joey T. Hmpm!!! His value is much higher than me now..*
Worse, people in MSN couldn't stop chatting with you. Ignore them and sign out! *emm.. I'm the one who approach them. eiikss!*.
Next, you're playing with your new websites: Plurk and Ovi too much! How long do you want to bury yourself there? Tell me! Honest. *They are cool sites! Add me if you have*
My Ovi:
What happen to your biological needs? You need to satisfy them in order to reach your Maslow Hierarchy needs. You can't keep yourself hungry for hours. *I'm so hungry.. Eerrr... when is my burger man delivering burger for me? My cheese chicken burger+cucumber+egg+tomato sauce. I think I should cook myself then...*
Lastly, I know Obama is following you. What's a big deal? Who is him? Why are you so excited till you can't concentrate in studies? He is just Barack Obama and he has notthing to do with you.
*what? who is him? what's the big deal? just Barack Obama. Hey! It is a big deal and it has something to do with me! He is my idol ok? Don't you feel proud knowing that Obama is following me in Twitter?
I received an email yesterday and it was from Obama!
Now add me if you haven't!
I just can't help but feeling... sad. I've so many things need to be done and I don't wanna do any revision. Ahhwww..... What am I going to do???
*smack on my face*
*pinch my arms*
*pull my ears*
Ok Ok... I know what I should do now...
Send more love letters to Obama!
P/s: Curryegg needs a break now as she is facing Baracky Obamious Disorder. Please... excuse her for a while.. :(
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