Am I dreaming or what? It is serious? Britney Spears is back with her new album- Circus? Oh my. I have been longing for years and now she is back with her new hits!
Britney, where have you been?
I know, ever since her failure in her marriage, she was totally a different person. I can't help but feel sad over her love life and I thought I will never hear from her again until just an hour ago, I found her new album in Imeem. It was supposed to be released on 2nd December 2008 which is her birthday, but she (Britney Spears) has uploaded the whole album in her Imeem account 13 hours ago. Serious?
Yes. Listen this and enjoy her new album - Circus.
I personally love Circus, Out From Under and Kill The Light. They got my emotion swinging and rocking along with the melody, rhythm and lyrics.
Notes: To load the whole album on the Imeem widget here is too slow here. So I have decided to change it into a single song. It will load faster I guess. For the whole album, visit here.
You are rock Britney and keep going! Don't give up!
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