"Larry ada?" (Is Larry there?)
A strange uniform man with a very deep voice was knocking at my house gate, holding a large orange envelope in his hand.
"Siapa? Larry?" (Who? Larry?)
"Ya. Miss Larry ada?" (Yes. Is Miss Larry there?)
My mum was surprised with the name, Larry. Who's that? We don't have any family members called Larry. Weird.
"Sorry bang. Tak ada Larry di sini" (Sorry. We don't have any Larry here)
The strange man was so confused. On that orange envelop, it has written very clearly the name, address and phone number of the receiver. What should he do? Pass it to the confused woman and left the house immediately or take back the envelope and return it to the office?
Before he made any decision, my mother managed to glance at the envelope. It written... emmm.... Lurry Egg? Wait a minute! Egg? It sounds so familiar....
Emm... my daughter?
Without any hesitation, she received the orange envelope, signed her signature on the provided paper and dash into the dining room.
Well, I'm not there when the 'incident' happened. I was helping the Deaf Art Expose 2008 in the mall. So, I could only manage to see my parcel late at night (Saturday) in the car when my parents fetched me back to home. Mum told me everything about 'Larry' and I just couldn't stop myself from laughing. The delivery boy must have mistakenly reading the wrong name, Lurry instead of Curry.
I guess it must be weird for a receiver who named as Curry Egg?
You must be curious to know what is in the orange-big-envelope, don't you?
Oh my... it's something I've been waiting for so long!
Something which has motivated me to love being a MALAYSIAN!
It's a book!
I have finally received the latest 50+ Malaysia book from QuaChee. Wow! Isn't that great?
A blogger friend of mine is releasing his new books about Malaysia and he has sent a free copy for me.
Ahwwww..... I've so touched.
Thanks QuaChee!
I've read, browsed and scanned through every pages of this colourful book. Guess what is my first reaction?
*Thumbs up*
Oh my!
I love this book! It's like showing you from A-Z about Malaysia starting from Malaysian culture, language, food, tourist hot spot, way to explore Malaysia, festival and events, famous Malaysian and art.
For all this while, I thought I've known everything about Malaysia since I've been here for nearly 21 years? And, I was wrong. Staying in Malaysia for nearly 21 years doesn't show I am an expert for my own country. This book knows more than I do. Sob...
What is 'Nasi Kebuli'?
What is 'Gamelan'?
Where is the Leaning Tower Teluk?
Where can I get white water rafting?
When is Loy Krathong festival?
Who is Jazeman Jaafar?
Shame to admit that, I really don't know about these. Anyone know the answers for my questions?
If you can't answer, it's ok because I can get the answers from this beautiful book. Besides the information, I should give compliment to the design of this book as well. The layout is nice and all the information are well organized. In addition, there are loads of interesting photos in almost every pages. I should say, the choices of photos and the design in every pages are the right one because they motivate me to finished the book.
Oh my. I really love this book!
It really makes me proud of being a Malaysian. I believe whoever who read this book will feel the excitement I'm feeling right now. I wanna shout...
"Boleh boleh! Malaysia Boleh!"
Congratulation QuaChee and teams. You guys have done a real good job and I'm glad to be one of your reader.
Looking forward for another great work from you and your team.
Before that, let me reread again my 50+ Malaysia book. It's not enough by just reading it once.
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