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Saturday, October 2, 2010

This Does Not Make You That

 It is better to be than to seem - but most are only concerned with seeming to be what they wish they were.
I'm more of a 'regualr guy' type - I'm not impressed with all the hype.
But I meet a lot of people from across the economic stratum who imagine that having 'better' goods makes them better people.
It's odd - most people with the least are often those who spend the most to try to appear to be the best.
But this philosophy is usually what keeps them at the lower levels of our social order.
Maybe this way of life is a way for them to compensate for their personal shortcomings.
Many imagine that having the goods of the upper classes makes them a member of the upper classes.

 But wearing a Brioni suit does not make a man smart.
 Having Halle Berry as a trophy wife does not (permanently) make a guy's penis larger.
 Driving a Lambo does not make a man famous.
 Wearing Jordans does give a man Jordan's athletic ability.
Living in a nice home does not make a man rich.

These are the rewards that come after much of the hard work is done.
These are not meant to replace the work itself.

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