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Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Missing Step

 Most monkeys see the end result but attempt to skip the middle (and most valuable) steps.
Most just see a guy and all that he has and then seek to emulate the lifestyle they imagine the other guy having.
This is why many poor people are fixated with material goods - even if they stay broke buying them.
Many imagine that having the same goods as a successful person makes them successful as well.
Uh uh, brohammas,
I don't view money as anything other than a tool with which one seeks to reach his goal of having a good quality of life.
But just as I have to visibly work in order for my young nieces and nephews to understand that I do more than go to lunch or to nightclubs - I have to visibly work in order for those I help to understand that one does not become comfortable by buying more useless stuff.

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