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Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Internet-Rhetoric Gone Too Far? You Decide.

Joel Morton deserves my apology.

I will not re-post it here but I made a very rude joke at his expense when this little piece of blow-back hit me after loosing my cool while commenting on the blog of another. I am very sorry about such shameful behavior on my part and have since apologized via email to Joel.

My point is not that I won't continue to confront the opposition via the internet, my point is that in the future when I have some ultra-radical, edgy, hyperbolic, partisan rhetoric to share I will do it here and not on the original posting.

Here is the piece of internet that has sparked this:
John Galt:

does he [Joe Lieberman] really want to stand in the way of reform?

Most likely he doesn’t wanna sign on to the biggest financial disaster we have yet seen.

EricG Reply:
October 27th, 2009 at 4:55 pm

You mean the Iraq War?

Oh wait, you mean saving thousands of American lives that die every year from lack of care.

You disgusting monster.

I hope you get H1N1 and then lose your job and then have your insurance revoked.

then all of a sudden you’ll be “pro-reform”.

When you are getting screwed, you will change your tune.

just because of that, I wish that on you.

Joel Morton Reply:
October 27th, 2009 at 6:02 pm

Eric, cut it out. If you can’t argue your point without name-calling or wishing harm on others who comment, perhaps you shouldn’t comment at all.

John Galt Reply:
October 28th, 2009 at 12:00 am

Hat tip
Posted by John Galt
October 27th, 2009 at 3:45 pm

I negligently did not search long enough with in the Alan Colmes website to notice my insane and downright inflammatory remarks had reached the response of an administrator.

My bad on that one.

But let's examine this a little closer.

This user "John Galt" has personally attacked me several times prior to my degrading myself to his level on previous postings at the same website.

This name "John Galt" comes from an Ayn Rand novel and I know Ayn Rand as a woman who spread intellectual-poison in the form of anti-compassion mentalities and narcissistic views of all not within this same selfish and frankly un-Christian mode of thought.

There is no doubt to anyone who is sane that wishing H1N1 on someone was downright low of me.

But look at what I'm saying.

"because of that, I wish that on you."

I was speaking in haste and un-Christian hate. I was wrong to attack this person with whom I do not hold a high opinion of.

But mark my words, there was truth in what I said.

Those who truly face these the crisis of a loved one falling ill and cannot pay the bills because one of the earners of the house is the one who is sick therefore cannot work.

Those who have insurance but only can barely afford it so they cannot save each month, better their living environment or pay for better schools for their children.

These people do not advocate this kind of anti-reformists screeds and illogical stances on the functions of government. They cannot afford such wild ignorance any longer if they had it in the first place.

Nancy Reagan, wife of Ronald Reagan, was formerly against embryonic stem cell research until the time in which Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimers and she was shown data that proves stem cell research could be an avenue to a cure.

Endless other cases like this are true.

My bitterness was wrong.

And I am beginning to see that name-calling only detracts from me arguments lately.

I see now why.

The McCarthy Era is upon us again and if nobody can ask: "Have you no sense of decency?" Then we are really in trouble.

I didn't want to play that role, I'm a lot better at impersonating lunatics. But fine, okay, whatever.

I can't be out here calling people monsters when they say monstrous things and wishing for intellect to win over vanity.

Things are so bad, that it's hard to see the middle anymore.

I won't make things any worse from here out.

Though I'm fairly certain Joel is going to be banning me either way. I am totally open to being wrong about this.

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