No, it's not that at all.
While many may see the advocacy of working to uplift Blacks as saying "Sit down whitey.",
what is really meant by those who seek this goal is "Step up Blackie.".
No one is saying (well a few are) that whites shouldn't assist in the goal of equality - only that much of the work has to be done by Blacks themselves.
Think of it as a baby first learning to walk.
If the parent keeps carrying the child, the child fails to develop the muscles necessary to support himself.
The parent may think he's helping the child,
but his actions are more of a deterrent to progress than they are any real assistance.
If the child falls or loses balance - usually only a slight nudge is all that's required to right the situation.
Personally, I have little or no use for race standards or qualifications in my daily life.
I hang around with whomever I deem to be worth being around.
Usually this is determined by who is better than me in what ever it is I am trying to do or learn.
Why is this?
Largely, it's because I don't feel hindered by an other's opinion of me.
I know that I am only as equal as I prove myself to be in any situation or by the cumulative value of my contributions to society.
With this self assurance, I am free to pursue whatever I wish without the onus of perception, racism or history.
I help whomever needs help (regardless of race) and accept help from whomever is offering (regardless of race) if the short term help doesn't outweigh the long term gain.
Being Pro-Black is not the same as being Anti-white.
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