In turn, I must pass the award on to seven other bloggers. Most of the bloggers I'll list are beyond this type of web award (but are worth looking at anyway).

Ed Dunn, over at Dream and Hustle ( http://dreamandhustle.com/ ), writes about going from start-up to major-player (and everything in between). This MochaSpot CEO gives advice and even answers my simple questions.
If you scored below 1500 on the old SATs, chances are you'll need a dictionary AND thesaurus to follow the flow at cnulan's Subrealism ( http://subrealism.blogspot.com/ ). But the site is didactic without being pedantic or sumpsimus.
The Angry African at Angry African On The Loose ( http://angryafrican.net/ ) offers an Anglo-African point of view on life, politics and social issues.
Okay Freeman, I know that the comparison was in sports. But we have to use a Sun Tzu philosophy in all things (politics included).

Conservative Black Woman ( http://conservativeblkwoman.blogspot.com/ ) is someone that most other Blacks would find offensive. IMO - Most Blacks are conservative - they're just not Republican. As a FOC (Friend Of Cobb) her opinions seem to be more right than left. But who wants to read the same opinions written by different people anyway?

FreeMan at Free Man Press ( http://freemanpress.wordpress.com/ ) offers the point of view of an aspirational professional who came from the life that most others only read about.
Sheila at Black Tennis Pros ( http://blacktennispros.blogspot.com/ ) focuses on tennis. But she is not afraid to opine on weightier issues. Black Tennis Pros...who knew that there were so many?
Aby Rad seems like a little Muslim woman from Malaysia who has an eye for the strange. Aby RAd's Blog ( http://abyrad.blogspot.com/ )focuses on things that make you say "WTF?". After all, life's too short to be so serious about everything.

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