I can't help but feel touched with lovely words left by others for me. The feeling is so great and I hardly stop myself from feeling being loved.
"Thank you so much and I know why I love you"
After feeding her with Milo and biscuits and putting her to bed, I start to have my own privacy. *yes!*
I dance, I sing, I shout and I laugh alone.. (Gosh! Curryegg is going insane?)
Nah.. I'm just kidding. The next thing I do is to switch on the computer and go online. Here I am, sitting for nearly 2 hours. Lol...
Once I sign into my blogger account, I'm amazed with all these sweet comments sent by my readers. Ahwww.... Thank for your comments. I'm really touched by your words and thank for doing the polls. It's hard to describe how I feel right now.
You may be curious on how a person like myself can be so sentimental with words left by strangers especially in the Internet? Isn't that sound ridiculous because you never meet them, never have a real conversation with them and you don't even know their background. How can this happen?
Well, did this question ever bothering you? Yes? Nil?
Before this, I did think that strangers are untrusted and whatever their messages might be a lie. However the power of words have overwhelmed my worries because there are lovely people in blogosphere and we've a great time sharing stories together. Ahwww.... there's nothing better than blogosphere and I'm glad for being a part of it. Thank you again.
Besides comments in my blog, I did receive a lovely message from Serenity (Australia), a friend in Facebook. I was surprised for her ability to read my mind and my soul just by looking at my photo and the way I chat. (Add me in Facebook if you wish)
"She told me I'm a passionate girl who can achieve big dream if I'm daring enough to try. Unbelievably, she can sense that I'm not putting 100% for my goal and I've been a worrywart. She adds, my 'light' is not bright enough to shine others but once it does, it's my glory moment".
As I finished reading the message, I could feel my heart sinking into the honey.... sweet and lovely isn't it? Lol..
Honestly, there is something on my mind right now and I'm not sure whether my plan will ever work. Yes, it's a BIG PLAN!!!! A plan which I've sealed in my P&C file. Unfortunately, I can feel something is pulling me back- I guess I don't have the guts to try new things yet? In order to achieve something great within myself, I know I've to work beyond the border. Something out of my comfort zone.
I'll turn into my incredible 21 Birthday very soon. Wow! I'm going to be 21-year-old-chick! Haha.. It will be a sign that I'm grown up and on my way to be somebody.
*wink wink* (I want presents.. hehe... )
OMG! Did I just say somebody? Let me check.
Yes. I mean 'somebody'..
But one question, who will I be?
Well well well... Shall I tell you in my next post? Let's make a surprise here. Maybe you can guess about the 'somebody' who I want to be?
Great idea!
Have a nice day and thank for your lovely comment and the poll survey in my previous post. Hugs... :)
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