I've missed the chance to play with eggs yesterday. Curry Egg shouldn't miss the chance. Sigh...
How can I miss it?
There was an evening news about how the people made their chicken eggs stand. They claimed that the eggs will stand by themselves if you put them nicely on the flat table and it happens only once in a year. I thought they were joking until Nester, one of my blogger friend really did that experiment by himself. To make the eggs stand, you must do that at 12pm sharp on the 'Rice Dumpling Festival' which mean, yesterday! (8 June 2008)
Sigh... I miss the chance. I might make my eggs in the curry dancing on the bowl. Muahaha.. ;D
Anyway, it's ok. I still manage to watch the egg lively from Nester's video clip. Yeah. You're the best! Thank you... ;)
Nester, can you please remind me for the next following year so that I can try it myself? Haha.. thank you.
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