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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


How does a stable family man who was raised by a single mother,
has graduated from Columbia University and Harvard,
won a Grammy and a Nobel prize,
who is young, articulate and even somewhat athletic become...


Or this?
Or this?
Or this? (Even though he is half-Black and half-white and raised in Asian influenced environments: Hawaii and Indonesia.)
And eventually this?
Isn't Barack Obama the realization of the American Dream?
Are those who so vigorously oppose Obama really disappointed with his policies and actions (I'm no fan of many of his actions - but if Ike had problems with the early stages of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex so would anyone else with the fully evolved being) - or are they really disappointed because it is not they who have overcome all that society has stacked against them?
Are they really mad because he has done what they only wish they could do?
I guess when all else fails, it's time to turn someone who represents all that was promised in America into some type of "Alien" or "Other".

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