The book is filled with information listing the dilemmas of finding an "educated and successful" Black woman who doesn't speak in the forced affectational dialect of author Helena Andrews (Bitch is the New Black).
Listen to Michelle Obama speak - does she sound like a wanna-be Valley Girl?
No, Mrs. Obama speaks in a comfortable manner not known by those who think they are repeating what they hear being spoken by those on national news programs.
These women are just fakin' da funk.
(And who wants a knockoff instead of an original?)
Most "educated" Black women are not really educated at all.
What they are is informed with facts given them on a myriad of past (and passed) tests.
They have the information - but few understand the meaning or context.
Most "educated" Black women are boring nerds.
Does any desirable woman look at a nerd before looking at the fly brotha' with game?
The same applies to men - we don't like nerds.
(But we do like smart.)
Most "educated" Black women aren't even smart - they are usually just smarter than a bunch of their dumb friends and family.
Most Black woman are fat.
Don't trust me?
Just read the report in The New York Times which states that American woman are getting fatter but Black women are getting fatter faster.
Do all of these "successful" women look for a flabby brotha'?
No, they look for someone fit - just like men look for fit women.
There is a difference between being "thick" and looking like the Value Pack of Chitterlings at your local Sam's Club.
Sometimes "more" isn't better better.
Most Black women are too short.
Don't believe me?
Just read the article in The Washington Post which points to this fact.
Would a "successful" Black woman seek out a short fat man as her first choice?
Nope, and neither do successful Black men seek out short fat women as their first choice.
Tall Dark and Handsome is looking for Tall Dark and Sexy.
Many of today's "successful and educated" Black women don't know how to relate to men.
Most have been told that they are special so much that they tend to believe it.
Many believed it when their fathers (if they were around) told them that they were princesses.
Many believed it when their mothers told them they were the prize all men should desire.
The problem is that today's woman cannot stand to be in a subordinate role.
Many of today's Black women don't even know what "Good" is.
Many are so concerned with labels that they don't take the time to learn about the quality of a product.
Many would spend $120 on a 300 thread count sheet set at Macy's because it has a Polo or Nautica label but pass up a $70 900 thread count sheet set at Tuesday Morning because it doesn't come with a label they recognize.
Most would be impressed with a Polo outfit without understanding that Ralph Lauren's Purple Label has more snob appeal.
Many "successful and educated" Black women think that wearing more elitist brands makes them elite.
Many Black women think a Black man wants a Diva or Queen.
Except for Latifa - how many successful Black women feel the need to add a title to their name?
If you gotta' tell people that you are something... you are probably NOT that thing.
Okay, okay... .
This post was written in jest.
It's just dumb for this woman (and her fans) to imagine that there are no good Black men (Not "No-Good" Black men) out here.
If you are offering what is desired, men will come to you - if not, sit back and complain about the dearth of Black men (And then write a book about it.).
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