All of America's problems can be blamed on only 20% of the population?
How can a group of people who are under-educated, poverty stricken, in prison, and making babies have the wherewith all to corrupt a whole country that is ruled by the vastly superior race and the Talented Tenth of their own race?
The Debo, pit bull, big rims, gold teefess, slabbin' image is one of the hood for the hood.
Everyone from the hood knows this.
This image says; "Don't eff with me".
This swagger lets possible assailants know that they should look for an easier mark.
This swagger lets people know that you are one of them and that the two of you should hunt together for an easy victim.
The Debo image is a hood tool used for intimidation and survival.
The idiots you see faking-da-funk at the mall are usually working to middle-class Black kids trying to emulate the imagery they've seen on BET.
Since few in their direct circles of influence can accurately define what it is to be a confident Black man - they look to celebrities for guidance.
Who is more cool; Colin Powell or Jay Z?
Their imitation of Jay Z is more of an affectation than if they were to emulate Bob Johnson.(Which makes these kids even more dangerous because they don't fully understand the implications of their actions. These are the kids who get caught up and end up spending years at the Grey Bar as somebody's wife for something someone else did. These are the kids who pretend to be hard and who'll do anything to prove their worth. After they do their time, they get stuck in the system and become full fledged members of the set which they wish they'd never met.)
Just nod and say "S'up?".
Most of the time outsiders are targeted because they exude an air of superiority.
You don't have to be certified, just be able to respond in case some ish pops off.
(But know when it makes sense to walk (not run) away.)
Don't try to sound all hood when you know you grew up in the hills.
This lets people know that you're not afraid (but polite, or showing respect) and that they should look for an easier mark.
Pay attention.
Anyone can "get got".
Watch your back but don't be obvious.
Don't scurry to your car like a frightened mouse.
Make sure you're loudly letting everyone know that you're leaving as they will watch you walk away. (I know... but if your in a situation where you feel threatened, you gotta' let a little hood out.)
Don't panic when you lock your car doors.
Don't panic and clutch your purse even more tightly. (Some guys would be offended that you thought they were going to rob you and... they'll end up robbing you.
The locals know how to dress for where they're going. A cheap knock off isn't worth losing your life over. But the Boug-chick shows up with her real Fendi bag just asking for it to be taken. Think of it in the same way the rich have costume jewelry made to match their real jewelry for less than secure occasions.)
In other words - when in Rome...
Why am I writing this?
Because it seems that there is an element of our culture that judges other members of our race by only the "facts" they view on television or the "facts" they read on the Internet without any perspective on how to interpret them.
Because there are members of our race who only come in contact with those who have less means through they're volunteer work.
(Volunteer work is fine - but it can cause some to view those from the hood with the same mentality as many police officers (That everyone from the hood is a worthless piece of ish.)).
Because, it seems, few Blacks even know any nucka's but they are quick to distance themselves from them.
Can you shoot?
No, not at a target - but at someone who is shooting back?
Most people who can't shoot do the John Woo/Juice/GTA method of holding a gun to the side.
But since most people's wrists are weak - the recoil causes the bullets tend up and to the left of the shooter (if right handed).
Just stay low and moving to your left.
If someone has a laser site on their gun - they probably can't shoot.
By the time you wait to place the red dot on a moving target - you're probably already shot.
People with sub-machine guns usually spray and waste most of their bullets - in this case, stay low and hide. With all those bullets flying, they will probably get lucky and put one in you.
Wear rubber soled shoes.
Get rubber soles put on your Cole-Haans (Donald J. Pliners already come with rubber soles).
Why? Because leather soles slip on asphalt. (There is no use in looking good but getting knocked out because you slipped trying to land a right.)
Are these suggestions foolproof?
But if you walk like a victim, talk like a victim and act like a victim - you will be a victim.
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